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Dyson Initial Ideas/Sketches

Manprit SIngh Nichal


Presented here are all of the initial concepts and developments I have generated throughout the design process of my Dyson Scooter. This includes a range of ideas I have brainstormed, as well as the advancements I have along the journey.

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In this Sketchbook you will see my design/thinking process for creating this scooter, in the beginning, I decided to create a building rather than a product but after developing my initial ideas further I realized this same concept could be used on a smaller scale in something that is more widely known and already has its target audience which is the E-Scooter community​​


Building Maquette

The first maquette I created was an exciting step in bringing my architectural vision to life. It represented my initial idea for a, featuring a rough shape that was primarily hexagonal but with an elongated form. To construct this model, I meticulously crafted a net out of cardboard, cutting out each section with precision before assembling them to form the basic structure. This hands-on allowed me to gain a better understanding of the dimensions and spatial relationships, providing a tangible representation of my design rather just a flat, 2D shape. It was a crucial experience that deepened my appreciation for the physicality of architectural design.

Detailed Scooter Maquettes

The second maquette I created was a detailed model of the scooter I was designing. This maquette served as a crucial tool in shaping the overall design, allowing me to incorporate many of the features outlined in my initial concepts. While the dimensions were quite accurate, I found that its functionality was lacking; the tires did roll forward, enabling the scooter to move, but they couldn't turn or steer. This limitation highlighted a significant area that I needed to focus on for improvement. Overall, this maquette provided valuable insights and helped me visualize the essential steps I would need to take to refine and develop the final product effectively.

Turning Mechanism Maquette

The last maquette I created was specifically designed to address the challenges faced with the scooter's turning mechanism. At the time, I didn't have the actual mechanism, so this maquette served as a conceptual model to explore how the handle and front of the scooter could turn independently from the base. To achieve this, I needed to incorporate several moving parts, made the design quite complex. Working through this maquette allowed me to visualize the turning I was aiming for, and it became clear that I would need to make adjustments to the overall design of the scooter itself to make everything function seamlessly. This process was invaluable in refining my approach and ensuring the final product would meet my expectations.




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